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The unique style and design of the E678 along with impressive performance figures has led it to become the most popular in the Ecco Stove range. At 550kgs it is still quite small for a masonry heater and the modular construction allows for swift assembly in most properties either inside an opening or free standing. Having between 80.8% and 88% efficiency depending on the chosen options you can also be sure that you get the most out of every log with carbon neutral combustion.

With the Natural Heat release from the stone body the E678 can heat a much larger area than a traditional metal stove while burning more cleanly and efficiently from as little as 7kg of logs. The continuous, balanced heat from the stone body of the stove can heat up to a 240m²  property without using radiators or electrical connections. Find out how much of your home could be heated with the E678 by asking our customer service team about a free heat plan estimate.

You can also add the Heat Shield, Hot Box, Domestic Hot Water, Extension (adding mass and raising the fire box height), External Air kit and trims to make it the heart of your home for many years to come.

You can view our video on our E678 here.

Key Features

Ecco Design Ready 2022

Fitted with a catalyser for a cleaner burn

Heats upto 240m2 

Heat up to a 240m² area (Up to 10-12 rooms)

Silicon Carbide body

Long lasting, high quality solid mineral (Silicon Carbide) parts throughout

Upto 12 Hours Heat

Up to 12 hours of heat from just 7kg of fuel

Contraflow Channels

 Contraflow Channels to extract as much heat from the flue gases as possible

10 Year warranty

10 year warranty on the stove body

Interested in our E678? Get in touch today! 

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